Curb Appeal: It’s a Timeless Trend!

What is Curb Appeal?

Improving curb appeal can be as straight forward as fixing a broken window. Some improvements take planning, time and effort, but will be well worth it at sale or appraisal. At Crooked River Realty we know you never get a second chance to make a first impression. That’s why curb appeal is so very important.

Today’s real estate market has motivated homeowners looking to receive the most out of their homes to closely look at their curb appeal in an effort to receive as much equity out of their homes as they possibly can. Starting from the outside, or “curb,” here are tips for improving your home’s curb appeal.

Start with the Yard

Prune trees and shrubs, making sure there are no branches near the roof line or outer walls of your home. Mow the lawn. Plant flowers for color. Fill in any bare spots in your garden with high foliage plants. In areas like ours, it’s hard to plant for early spring blooms but a fresh coat of bark dust and a potted plant on the deck can be very inviting.

Fix Everything

Take a walk around the house and note everything that’s broken, out of alignment, or looks bad. Nail in loose shutters; fix or replace screen doors, fence boards, etc. If you can’t fix it, get rid of it. A window with no screen is better than a window with a ripped screen. It’s better to have everything fixed before a prospective buyer sees the home, offers a lower price and still demands repairs be done before the sale closes.

Paint Outside & Repair or Replace Siding

Fresh paint has the lowest cost and most dramatic improvement in the value of a home. Often a fresh coat of paint is easier than cleaning the outside of a home. It is also important to note that most appraisers will document exposed surfaces on home inspections and many lenders will require these be painted prior to completion of the sale. This goes for the deck and deck railing too.

Un-clutter Your Surroundings

Inside and outside of the home, garage, and outbuildings. Especially true of the home on the inside, less clutter makes a home seem larger. Have a garage sale, donate to charities, or rent a storage unit. Remember, you’re going to be packing everything to move soon, so you might as well get a jump on it!

Keep Pets & Children Out-of-Sight

Pets should not be in a yard when prospective buyers arrive. Children, too. While family and pets are part of the fabric of our lives, they can be a distraction. If possible arrange for children and pets to be somewhere else while someone is looking at your home.

Set the Mood

Create a peaceful ambiance using solitude or soft music. If your neighborhood is noisy, choose soothing instrumental background music. It will help neutralize the noise. Always keep television sets and radios turned off.

Clean, Clean, Clean

Start with the carpeting and floors, walls, windows and furniture. A well-kept home gives a sign that everything has been kept up equally as well. That equates to a higher value. A messy home says “what else has been neglected?”


The aromas or odors in your home are important– do whatever is necessary to create a pleasant scent. First, regularly air your house out, take out the trash, and clean your kitchen thoroughly of food residue. Have your carpets professionally cleaned. Then, help nature along with some aromatic additions.

For a “home-is-where-the-heart-is” aroma, try baking a loaf of bread (frozen dough is available at any grocery store). Other great kitchen smells are cinnamon or vanilla. In bathrooms and bedrooms, try potpourri or fresh-cut flowers; how about the scent of leather (new car fragrance?) in a den or home office.

Let the Sunshine In

Set a cheery mood by opening curtains enough to let light flow, but not so much as to create a glare. If rooms are dark, install higher watt bulbs and use overhead lighting to brighten gloomy areas. Well-lit rooms are cheery and appear larger. Prior to showing, turn every light in your home on.

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